Saturday, November 26, 2011

Priceless, Pig at the Trough Line of the Week

Elected Senate Illegal

Not only is she a pig at the trough, she thinks anyone that the people select would be illegal. She is not only a blood-sucking vulture, she is stupid to boot.This is what appointed Senators yield.

Based on Wikipedia, this woman has been trough-feeding for almost a quarter of a century.

Senator Ringuette is required to leave the senate in about 20 years. She has already been there almost 10.

She is shockingly arrogant and stupid. Thank you Jean Chretien for this wonderful gift that keeps on taking.

1 comment:

  1. What have been the arguments put forward in opposition of current Senate reform proposition?

    Here is a list of the arguments I have encountered:

    1. Elections are expensive.
    2. Harper has appointed senators so he is a hypocrite.
    3. Its not the right time.
    4. Its illegal.
    5. Will cause more government gridlock.
    6. Don't bother with reform unless it is to abolish the senate.

    Am I missing any?
