Monday, August 29, 2011

To Frack or Not To Frack

The government of NB is doing a horrible job building the case for shale gas exploration via hydo-fracking.

Some think fracking is the economic promise land for the province, others think it will turn our environment into something resembling Sudbury in the 80's.

The answer is neither of those things. There will be some environmental hurdles to overcome, but on the other hand we will not become the Clampetts.

But to ignore the potential of shale gas because a few people are handing out bootleg copies of Gasland, stupidifying the population regarding the issue, is not the answer.The government needs to educate the population to the benefits and risks. So far all we have heard is "It is in our platform". The people of NB need truthful information, not provided by those that think one dead frog is too many.

Hiding in the Centennial Building, hoping the problem goes away is not working. There has to be someone sitting around the cabinet table with a grasp of the facts who can refute the nonsense of the Gasland Kool-Aid drinkers.

Someone. Anyone?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Unemployment in New Brunswick Increases Again

1500 more people without work

It appears you cannot tax, spend and regulate your way to a better economy after all.

For comparison, Maine is at 7.8% unemployment, New Hampshire is at 4.9% unemployment. NB has an unemployment rate double that of NH and 29% higher than Maine.

More government spending will not help.

L'Acadie Nouvelle Wants In Your Pants

So L'Acadie Nouvelle is running out of cash.

Nothing sexual about this, they only want your money. Do not distress though, they only want the money you have chosen to spend somewhere other than on a subscription to their paper.

The paper cannot earn enough to stay afloat, even with a trust fund set up to generate cash for them to burn each year.

Now Paul Robichaud gets to pick, you keep your money or L'Acadie Nouvelle gets it. This should be a simple choice.