Saturday, November 26, 2011

Priceless, Pig at the Trough Line of the Week

Elected Senate Illegal

Not only is she a pig at the trough, she thinks anyone that the people select would be illegal. She is not only a blood-sucking vulture, she is stupid to boot.This is what appointed Senators yield.

Based on Wikipedia, this woman has been trough-feeding for almost a quarter of a century.

Senator Ringuette is required to leave the senate in about 20 years. She has already been there almost 10.

She is shockingly arrogant and stupid. Thank you Jean Chretien for this wonderful gift that keeps on taking.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Will Alward Do It?

Throne Speech Today.

Hopefully the needed spending cuts are coming. We will see.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Why Does the NB Government Have to Look After Your Parents?

The endless screaming "Government do More!" keeps on at

Here is the latest article.

What did we do before the advent of taxing people to into submission? Did people look after their loved ones? Did churches and charities help out?

Maybe if taxes were not so high, son or daughter could look after their own families, like what happened for generations.

It does not take a village to look after Grandma, it takes you. And I would wager a bet if you were paying for Grandma's accommodations, the quality would be better. But that is only because it would be your money, not "The Government's".

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blaine Higgs, Minister Alone

First off let me state I think Minister Higgs is wrong to suggest higher taxes (as he has recently), is the answer to our fiscal problems.

But at least he is stating the obvious, we are in a pickle.

We are like the alcoholic that wakes up in the morning thinking the solution to our hangover is "Hair of the Dog".

Our problem is they cannot stop spending our children's future incomes. We need real solutions to their spending problem, not just another credit card that someone else makes the minimum payment on.

I worry nobody is listening to Minister Higgs, whether it is in the Legislature or the halls of the government offices.

We need to eliminate a dozen departments, hundreds of programs, and thousands of civil servants. Just raising taxes to have it wasted in Fredericton will not make us richer, it will only transfer wealth from the creators of the wealth (businesses and their employees) to government employees. Which is only great if you are one of the chosen with a job for life and a defined benefit pension plan.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Harper and Flaherty, Are They Just Liars?

Minister Flaherty;

If the budget is not balanced by the end of the current term, and families do not receive the promised tax cut through income splitting, you are a liar.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has a good piece on it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Spending Problem? No Problem, Just Raise Taxes

It seems Finance Minister Higgs cannot control spending, so he is moving to the other side of the ledger, and just raising taxes. I pains me to keep stating it, but you cannot increase taxes to increase the wealth of New Brunswickers.

CBC Link here.

Now user fees are generally fine in my books, if they would cut taxes somewhere (anywhere?) else. But I wonder why everyone seems to like this tax, er, user fee, as opposed to user fees on other things?

The problem in NB is runaway spending, and Minister Higgs appears to have zero ability to control that.

Health spending is increasing exponentially with no plan. The Minister of Health needs to do something other than backtrack on a plan to stop covering the cost of flu shots.

Education is still increasing in spite of declining enrollment. Time to 'rationalize' our assets. Close and sell some schools, even the empty ones in the Speaker's riding.

Welfare is out of control with a minister who thinks paying people to not work will help them. Welfare is a trap. Spending more money their will lead to careers collecting welfare. And nepotism in the welfare collecting business is rampant. We are not just creating current people with no hope, but future generations of no hope.

Our government is spending so wildly drunken sailors are concerned we are hurting their reputaion.

More spending and higher taxes will not improve our economy Minister Higgs.